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Commands & shortcuts


By pressing ^ Ctrl+p you can access the command palette from where you can perform most of the chat actions. The following commands are available:

  • New chat - create a new chat session
  • Edit chat parameters - edit the current chat session (change system prompt, parameters or format)
  • Rename chat - rename the current chat session
  • Export chat - export the current chat session as markdown
  • Delete chat - delete the current chat session
  • Clear chat - clear the chat history, preserving model and system prompt customizations
  • Regenerate last Ollama message - regenerates the last message from Ollama (will override the seed for the specific message with a random one.) Useful if you want to change the system prompt or parameters or just want to try again.
  • Pull model - pull a model or update an existing one.
  • Change theme - choose among the available themes.

Keyboard shortcuts

The following keyboard shortcuts are supported:

  • ^ Ctrl+q - quit

  • ^ Ctrl+l - switch to multiline input mode

  • ^ Ctrl+i - select an image to include with the next message
  • - navigate through history of previous prompts

  • ^ Ctrl+n - open a new chat

  • ^ Ctrl+Backspace - close the current chat

  • ^ Ctrl+Tab - open the next chat

  • ^ Ctrl+Shift+Tab - open the previous chat

In multiline mode, you can press Enter to send the message, or Shift+Enter to add a new line at the cursor.

While Ollama is inferring the next message, you can press Esc to cancel the inference.


Some of the shortcuts may not work in a certain context, if they are overriden by the widget in focus. For example pressing while the prompt is in multi-line mode.

If the key bindings clash with your terminal, it is possible to change them by editing the configuration file. See Configuration.

Copy / Paste

It is difficult to properly support copy/paste in terminal applications. You can copy blocks to your clipboard as such:

  • clicking a message will copy it to the clipboard.
  • clicking a code block will only copy the code block to the clipboard.

For most terminals there exists a key modifier you can use to click and drag to manually select text. For example: * iTerm Option key. * Gnome Terminal Shift key. * Windows Terminal Shift key.

Image selection The image selection interface.